A Free Online Text Editor

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Your machine, your notes.

All your data is secure in just your browser by default. Fast and easy to use on phones and computers.


  1. Distraction Free
  2. Auto Save
  3. Word Count
  4. Basic Spell Check
  5. Mobile Share Support
  6. Full Screen Focus Mode
  7. Support for Multiple Languages
  8. Export for all notes (In a zip file with .txt and .json files)


Notepad Love is dedicated to simple and fast text editing. Keep track of important notes without needing to load slow apps. All changes are auto saved in your browser. Just come back to the site to review your previous notes. You can open existing documents or share your text files directly from Notepad Love.

Premium Features

  1. Ad free
  2. Syncing between phone and computer (Note that using this feature requires transferring data from your browser)
  3. Low cost of $10.00 per year

Additional premium features are being built, depending on demand. The more responses I receive for a specific feature, the faster I will concentrate on that feature. I prioritize requests from existing premium members. [email protected]

  1. Search notes
  2. Advanced find and replace
  3. Using your personal Dropbox for syncing
  4. Using your personal Google Drive for syncing
  5. Advanced editing such as sorting, converting case, extracting URLs, extracting emails, removing duplicate lines, removing empty lines